Secondment of qualified professionals

CentralJob ensures that you have the right number of qualified people at the right time.

On a flexible basis for a short and long period and exclusively according to your competencies. This may involve temporary staff for you, but not for your customers. After all, they expect the service and quality they have come to expect from you.

The benefits of secondment

  1. the seconded person has proven to be an expert in his field or has specific knowledge
  2. flexibility, continuity and bond with the flex worker
  3. protection against employer risks (illness and idle time);
  4. security of staff while maintaining flexibility (e.g. in case of relocation, reorganization, hiring freeze)
  5. You do not have to worry about payroll administration and personnel guidance (pension, absenteeism due to illness in collaboration with the occupational health and safety service, performance reviews, etc.)
  6. longer availability than the 3×3 rule from the chain system, which will even change to 3×2 from 1 July 2015
  7. you can view the secondment period as an extended probationary period

Looking for an employee on a secondment basis?

Centraljob offers the solution and is happy to help! Contact us on 0251 – 247 312 or post a vacancy.

Our other services

Do you have a temporary or structural personnel issue, but no idea which solution suits your organization best? View our personnel types to see which one suits you best.

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